What a strange year 2021 has been so far! I moved all my teaching online in November, when case counts started to climb in Helsinki, and have been 100 % online since. Though I love online teaching alongside with teaching face to face, I've learned that I do my best work when I'm in the same physical space as my students at least once in a while. I've started dreaming about teaching an actual group or class, and hope that it's not too far off. All my projects are more or less stalling, though of course I'm really lucky that I can still keep going with them, and that I still have really wonderful students that I get to safely meet online. But the fatigue is certainly real! We've also been having especially cold weather in Helsinki lately. This is a wonderful thing in an abstract sense - I love having four seasons, in theory - but winter is by far not my favorite, especially when temperatures are so cold that my face feels like it will fall off within minutes of venturing out. Masks do come in handy for that, I can't believe it took a pandemic to learn that covering your mouth and nose actually does help when it's extremely cold. In addition to my lovely private students, I do have some wonderful things going on:
Talven ihmemaa takapihalla.
Talve+n ihme+maa taka+piha+lla. Winter+genitive wonder+land back+yard+on. Winter wonderland in my back yard. (This is not my actual back yard, but almost!) Comments are closed.
January 2025
Ask a Finnish Teacher / Toiminimi Mari NikonenBUSINESS ID (Y-Tunnus) 2930787-4 VAT NUMBER FI29307874 Kaupintie 11 B 00440 Helsinki If you'd like to send me something in the mail, please email me for my postal address. [email protected] +358 40 554 29 55 Tietosuojaseloste - Privacy policy |