Usman asks:
Sometimes i get confused about “niin”, its used so much for different purposes but mostly in puhekielli, is it ok to use in essay or fromal letter or depends on usage ?? Hi Usman! Thank you for the great question! Niin is used a lot in Standard Written Finnish (kirjakieli or yleiskieli), not just puhekieli (but it’s also used a whole lot in puhekieli). It has a few different uses in written Finnish, here are, in my opinion, the three main ones: 1. Niin kuin - as or like: Niin kuin alussa sanoin... - = As I said in the beginning... 2. For emphasising adjectives: Ostin niin ison kahvin, etten jaksanut juoda kaikkea. = I bought such a big coffee that I couldn't drink it all. 3. With kuin (note that this is different from niin kuin in 1): Niin pian kuin mahdollista. = As soon as possible. In spoken Finnish, niin is used a lot more, especially when reacting to what someone else is saying. - Se on 20 minuuttia myöhässä! - Niin, pitäisikö sille soittaa? - She's 20 minutes late! - Right, should we call her? - Tää kahvi on tosi hyvää! - Niin on! - This coffee is really good! - Yes, it is! Kielitoimiston sanakirja has a great, comprehensive article about niin in both written and spoken Finnish, which you can read here.
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